Thursday, August 18, 2011


The idea of comfort and being comfortable has been a touchy issue for me, so I thought I would pick apart my thoughts and go to scripture on the topic.

Comfort is a catch-22 for me, and I think it's supposed to be. On one hand, it is perfectly fine to be comfortable in an area. Who can accomplish anything if they feel tension, unfamiliarity, or believe that the place they are is just not right for them? It's good to feel comfortable in a situation, to be confident in being able to handle something. It is necessary to be comfortable when you are in a position to serve others, or else your service might not be genuine. Comfort is a good thing. It enables, empowers, and can even affirms the place you are in.

On the flip side, one should not seek comfort. There are WAY bigger things for you to run after than comfort. Without the knowledge of it, I think we would be a lot more willing to seek the things that God has for us, to be more risky. How many times have you/I NOT done something (go somewhere, talk to someone, try something new, etc.) because it was simply too far out of your/my comfort zones? These are the very things that God could have for us. They are opportunities that we pass up, moments that slip away.

The good thing is, God does not give up on us. He will continue to give you opportunities to accomplish His will and lead the life He has in mind for you. We just can't get into such a deep habit of passing them up. This is not to encourage you to disregard your comfort, just don't seek it. Understand it, because God does too. Don't do something just because it's out of your comfort zone, because there is a reason for your comfort. It's nature to have one.  

Comfort is not your God, and it is not worthy to be sought after.

Comfort is something that God gives you when you need it. Comfort is not the point, however. There is a quite famous depiction of this concept in Scripture. The story of when Jesus, who was going to the leader of the synagogue's house to bring his daughter back to life, was touched on the fringe of his cloak by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, so that she may be healed. The story comes from Matthew 9 (as well as Mark 10 and Luke 8).

Check out verse 22 (KJV):

"and when he saw her, he said, 'Daughter, be of good comfort (be encouraged-NLT); thy faith hath made thee whole.' And the woman was made whole from that hour."

This is remarkable. First of all, Jesus was going to do go bring a girl back from the dead; he was pretty busy. But he felt and noticed the woman. He does the same for us now, he sees and feels us when we reach out to him. Moreover, this woman did seek comfort, she sought Jesus. She merely brisked the fringe of his robe, and she was made whole because of her faith! She did what she could to have an encounter with Jesus, however "small" it would be. And then Jesus brought her comfort, as a product of her faith and need.  The woman sought to be "healed" (verse 21), not merely comforted.

If you are comfortable, ask yourself: Did I receive this from God, or did I get it from going after it? Ask God about it, he'll tell you.

Comfort should be something that is accepted, not sought after.


  1. So good! Really good!

    Well written Jack. I'm looking forward to more of this seminary-man wisdom.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, so much Ana! What did you like? Just wait until I actually start ;)
