Monday, August 22, 2011


President of Emory James Wagner said yesterday, to a slew of new students, many of them being first years at Candler, something that sparked my mind and interest. He gave a very candid speech to the students and faculty members about, generally, what the University stands for in the realm of thinking and learning. Among this topic he mentioned this notion that in a field of study there are three categories of information for the ones studying: the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. His perspective of this "unknowable" information really stood out to me, because he approached it with mystery. To pursue the mysteries that are out there is a journey of discovery and knowledge, even if the mystery is never solved or known. This pursuit will amount to knowledge and empowerment. He encouraged us to take on this concept and not shy away from the unknowable, or the unknown for that matter. 

I can't help but think of what Andy Lowry says to me, that my "ministry won't be one of knowledge, but of experience". I know that this idea will follow me around, because it just hits home with me.

These two concepts obviously relate to me. They both take the pressure off of knowledge for me, but emphasizes it also. Knowledge is a tool for the way I will do ministry, it has a purpose beyond itself. It is not the point, but I do need it, and will pursue all that I can.

Obviously "knowledge" is a broad word. I don't want to know everything, that's exhausting and unnecessary. I want to know who God is, I want to know the Bible inside out, and I want to know how to love people like Jesus did. These are all impossible (in some ways also, "unknowable"), but the pursuit of these is the reason I am here. My continued findings of this reason means a lot to me, because it also empowers and enables me. No matter how far fetched these seem, the pursuit of them is my ministry. 

Colossians 2:2-3

"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


The idea of comfort and being comfortable has been a touchy issue for me, so I thought I would pick apart my thoughts and go to scripture on the topic.

Comfort is a catch-22 for me, and I think it's supposed to be. On one hand, it is perfectly fine to be comfortable in an area. Who can accomplish anything if they feel tension, unfamiliarity, or believe that the place they are is just not right for them? It's good to feel comfortable in a situation, to be confident in being able to handle something. It is necessary to be comfortable when you are in a position to serve others, or else your service might not be genuine. Comfort is a good thing. It enables, empowers, and can even affirms the place you are in.

On the flip side, one should not seek comfort. There are WAY bigger things for you to run after than comfort. Without the knowledge of it, I think we would be a lot more willing to seek the things that God has for us, to be more risky. How many times have you/I NOT done something (go somewhere, talk to someone, try something new, etc.) because it was simply too far out of your/my comfort zones? These are the very things that God could have for us. They are opportunities that we pass up, moments that slip away.

The good thing is, God does not give up on us. He will continue to give you opportunities to accomplish His will and lead the life He has in mind for you. We just can't get into such a deep habit of passing them up. This is not to encourage you to disregard your comfort, just don't seek it. Understand it, because God does too. Don't do something just because it's out of your comfort zone, because there is a reason for your comfort. It's nature to have one.  

Comfort is not your God, and it is not worthy to be sought after.

Comfort is something that God gives you when you need it. Comfort is not the point, however. There is a quite famous depiction of this concept in Scripture. The story of when Jesus, who was going to the leader of the synagogue's house to bring his daughter back to life, was touched on the fringe of his cloak by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, so that she may be healed. The story comes from Matthew 9 (as well as Mark 10 and Luke 8).

Check out verse 22 (KJV):

"and when he saw her, he said, 'Daughter, be of good comfort (be encouraged-NLT); thy faith hath made thee whole.' And the woman was made whole from that hour."

This is remarkable. First of all, Jesus was going to do go bring a girl back from the dead; he was pretty busy. But he felt and noticed the woman. He does the same for us now, he sees and feels us when we reach out to him. Moreover, this woman did seek comfort, she sought Jesus. She merely brisked the fringe of his robe, and she was made whole because of her faith! She did what she could to have an encounter with Jesus, however "small" it would be. And then Jesus brought her comfort, as a product of her faith and need.  The woman sought to be "healed" (verse 21), not merely comforted.

If you are comfortable, ask yourself: Did I receive this from God, or did I get it from going after it? Ask God about it, he'll tell you.

Comfort should be something that is accepted, not sought after.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Encouragement is of the essence

This weekend (Thursday-Sunday) I went back home to Orlando (I know, I know, very soon after I moved) to get the rest of my things (desk, and other miscellaneous stuff that I was bound to forget, ((sorry for all the parentheses))), attend the Kris Wise- Sarah Robles wedding, have a meeting as part of my candidacy process with the Staff Parish Relations Committee at St. Luke's, and say goodbye again to my friends.

It is actually a relief to have everything I need for my room and apartment, so getting the things I left behind was good!

The wedding was unlike any other I had ever been to, I am very pleased with how it went and it seemed like the families really understood how a wedding should go. It was very special, and Christ was definitely at the center of the ceremony, and that was a blessing. It was fun, delicious (Asian food and two cakes!), and just very special. I was thankful to attend and witness such a beautiful night for them and be their with my friends.

Seeing friends and saying goodbye again was definitely bittersweet, but I was thankful for it. I am very excited to keep in touch and still be a part of my friends' lives and having them be a part of mine. That is important to me. It is a way I want to grow, to be able to let these friendships live out, even if distance and not spending time in person with them makes it difficult. I got to celebrate another friend leaving Florida, Shannon McDonald, to go teach in Korea.  We had Asian food and played "Just Dance", and it was a fun night to send her off and say goodbye to her! It is very encouraging to see others in my circle of friends leave to fulfill God's call and feel in the same boat as them. I have friends from Orlando going to Ireland, Korea and seminary like me, and I look to them and what they are doing for encouragement and as examples of following Jesus.

I realize now, again, how important the encouragement and support I receive, both authoritative from my local church, specifically, and relationally from my friends and family, is to me. It feeds me and builds me up. Without it, I don't think I could be strong enough to do anything I am doing. It is key to my journey, and I do believe that God intends it to be that way. It is easy to think that because I need that so much, that it's a sign of weakness, but it just isn't.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just a thought...

People specialize in over thinking things and not going for what they really desire for their lives, and thinking that they can't fulfill the things that burn inside of them. We tell ourselves all the time that things are not possible. I don't know about most people, but I am not settling for what I think is merely possible, I want to go for the things that are in my heart. I want to strive for what God has for me, and not feel limited to what I think is possible or impossible.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prove it

For really the first extended period of time, I am really starting to be a tad worried about my academic career entering into classes at Candler. There is so much out there for me to learn and study, and experience, but I'm going to have to work  harder than I ever to obtain all of it. I have never considered myself as an excellent student. I'm going to need to convince myself that I am able to do what it takes to obtain what is there for me to understand, learn, and experience during my time here at Candler. I believe God will carry me, but I don't really understand yet how I am going to be able to do it all. I want that to be a process of doing what it takes academically, not only spiritually, to excel  academically here.

A little insecurity, but I am ready to prove it to myself.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This is Big

I have finally moved to Atlanta into my apartment with Harrison, so the past few days have been really hectic. Between unpacking, shopping for apartment stuff, setting up our utilities, more shopping, setting up my room, and getting use to being here, it's all been quite overwhelming and quite different for me. I have lived in Orlando my whole life, so this is peculiar and unusual.

My last few weeks in Orlando were great. Hanging out with my friends meant just a little bit more. I definitely used my friends as fuel to enthusiastically move on to my move from their support and love for me. They helped me pack, threw me a party, and really showed me how much they care for me. I am starting to miss my friends back home already, but I'm allowed to do that. It's part of moving, and part of affirming people's role in my life and importance to me. I look forward to keeping in touch and having long-distance friendships with the friends that God desires that from. I am eager to see how God works through long-distance. Most of my friendships, I know, will take a lot of effort, not only an endorsement from God.

So far I have seen my area of town, Decatur, pretty well for being here for only 3 days. We went to a pub called Twain's our first night and another, Brick Store last night. Both are in downtown Decatur and brew their own beer. I shopped underground at a Target, and saw Atlanta's Ikea while we picked up a few things there.

Mostly, I am excited to be following through with what I know God has set me out to do. I just know He has extraordinary plans for what I'm going to learn, see, do, and who I'm going to become. I'm taking this one day at a time, trying to see my next best right step, and to be faithful. Not as easy as it sounds, but worth it among all the change. Change is my focus word in scripture right now. I want to see how God has worked among it, caused it, used it.

Philippians 1:6

"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."

Being here, doing this, is allowing God to continue His work in me. That is very grand, but I need to focus on my daily pursuit. I'm not content with having a vision of what God will do, but what He is and wants to do RIGHT NOW.

Here are my contacts that I would love for you to use:

 Skype: jaladd119


3131 N Druid Hills Rd Apt #3109
Decatur, GA 30033