Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stressless Holiday, kinda

This Christmas, our family did not do presents. It was so nice not to stress out about buying gifts and to simply enjoy each other this time. We had a fantastic holiday. Anne and Drew got in on Wednesday, bouncing between Drew's parents' house and ours. It was so good to see them both again. Sarah and Devon (and Lucy-their dog) got in on Friday evening. On Christmas, we had a bacon, quiche, and cinnamon roll brunch, stew for lunch, and a roast for dinner. My aunt Karen and uncle David, along with their kids Mallory and Sam stopped by, and we watched basketball and played corn hole. It was very good to see them as well. Karen got us all tin containers of cookies =) It was so nice to be with family, eat, and not worry about presents at all. Good idea by my parents!

Being home has also brought me a bad cold, a lot of writing for applications, and some over thinking  about school and my future. My time at home hasn't been perfect, but my family has been ready to help me with these things. My mom and Sarah have read my essay and given me advice on it. My mom and Anne have directed me towards the right medicine to take (Claritin D and a lot of Advil), and I have simply enjoyed being here with my family. Not just for the sake of being with them, but also for what they provide for me.

I am almost ready to submit my application for Emory. I must update my resume, have one more person (Stephanie-thanks!) look over my essay one more time, and find out/remember my SAT score. I should have it in today! Woohoo!

I am so ready to visit Atlanta and Emory and spend some time with good friends in NC. It'll be great.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad y'all were able to have such a time like that over the holidays. This was definitely one aspect of Christmas we changed up a little bit with my family as well. Once you get older, you tend to realize that material possessions only go so far, and that its the memories that truly last a lifetime.
