Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let's start at the Beginning.

So, I got a blog. You should probably keep reading. Just kidding, I am really writing this so I can remember my story, and begin to log my thoughts and remember what God is doing in my life.

I want to go to Seminary. I realized this after my good friend, Harrison Thornhill, played the "What If?" card. I like to use this term, because it is very powerful to me. He did that while he came up to me during the CFL Wesley Leadership Retreat during intense prayer time this last fall. He told me something that he knew God was telling him: that I should be open to what God has for me. Before that, I had thoughts in the back of my brain of how I would always be heavily involved with churches throughout my whole life, no matter where I was. On occasion, I would think about having a major role, but I would quickly dismiss them. I didn't want to be greedy, didn't want to think of the major change I would face if I pursued that, didn't want the responsibility. That has all changed. Through prayer, conversations with the people that God has specifically placed in my life for the purpose of helping me pursue a major role in church, and my own personal reflection, God has shown me that Seminary is my next destination. I also want to become ordained by the United Methodist Church. I try so hard to make my decisions based on what God wants, but I have learned that God is giving me choices along the path that is paved. This has really given me freedom to pursue what I want in confidence that I am still following God, not just my own desires. It has also given me freedom to mess up, which is fine with me, since I do know God does not leave me when I do. I want to go to Emory, and so does Harrison. We'll just have to see if that is what God is OK with it. It would be such a blessing to be with one of the best friends I've ever had at Seminary. He is such a great person for my walk, and he really guides me since I don't know what I'm doing.

This break, I really want to dive into a book that is necessary to go through to become a candidate for ordination. Tomorrow, I will work on it with Harrison.

1 comment:

  1. The power of God's directing voice and furthermore, the abedience to that calling truly amazes me when you see the outcome and the passion that comes into view of those who are called. There is always something huge for those who are willing to lay down their own desires for the bigger picture and design that God has for their life. Way to be open to something bigger!
