Saturday, November 5, 2011


This first month of Seminary had been up and down (topsy-turvey). At times I feel prepared, on top of my studies, faithful, motivated, passionate, and engaged in my classes. I choose these words carefully because there are times where I feel their exact opposites. As hectic as this may seem to me, this precedes growth and maturation for me. I know I am being stretched in ways that I need to be while I am here. With one month left of classes, I finally feel at home at Candler. I am doing well in my classes, and that is encouraging. The balance between growth and comfort has been difficult for me, however. It’s easy and common for me to get overwhelmed, work through it, and then feel like I am doing well.

I chose Interpretation of Scripture,which focuses on the Biblical Languages, as a concentration while I am at Candler. I did this because I know I have an interest in Greek and Hebrew as they pertain to the understanding the Bible. This is necessary for me as I study the Bible, to understand where it came from. I am really excited about this, because I will have a focus in my studies. I will be taking languages as my electives as I move through m education in Seminary. God provided this direction, and I know I want to own it.

While feeling more at home here, I do miss being home a ton. It’s comfortable there. I had a few days back in Florida in October, but I was spread thin because of things I had to take care of, so I am really looking forward to the two weeks in December I get to spend back home.

I also apologize for saying I would keep up with writing and not doing that. It’s important to me to keep in touch, and I have not made that a priority. It’s easy to say I have been extremely busy, but I do have time to keep up with this if I really wanted to.

All in all, I am doing well here. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is all worth it and I know I'm in the right place. I know I have all the support in the world, and that drives me to do well here. I am looking forward to this last month here before I go home, and it will go by fast!


  1. I think it's super exciting that you chose the concentration that you did. I definitely think that God helped you make that decision, because as soon as I read it I said, "Hmm. That sounds like Jack." Please try not to make me jealous because you're studying really awesome things like languages and history.

  2. I am though! History of Christianity AND Old Testament is basically a history course so far.
