Monday, February 11, 2013

New Life

1st Corinthians Chapter 15, the"Resurrection Chapter," captures my intrigue and challenges me. It is not the kind of challenge I normally face, however. Most of the time nowadays, I am more concerned with discovering the meaning of the text, and how I would communicate it to others. This chapter certainly interests me as I try to uncover the meaning, but it more so interests me as I truly try to live as though this text is true. The message from this chapter (for me, of course, I challenge you to discover your own) is, essentially: Jesus is risen, and so are we. Of course our resurrection is unlike Jesus';we did not raise from the dead in a physical way as Jesus did. Rather, Jesus gives us new life. What does this mean?

I am reminded of Nicodemus' question to Jesus that prompts John 3:16, a staple Jesus quotation for the Christian faith. He too, was confused with this concept of new life. I think it is still confusing today. Last Sunday, I preached about this text at Inman Park UMC (where I am currently serving). I am not going to reiterate the sermon here (although if you would like to hear it, I am more than willing to give you an audio recording, just let me know in the comments). The claim that we make that we believe in the resurrection of  the body (Apostle's Creed) is equally baffling, but I would like to posit that it points it is consistent with what  Jesus told Nicodemus: " “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above (born anew)." What does it look like to live with this "new life?" I understand this to mean that we know that believing in Jesus and his resurrection, and this changes us. It makes us respond in ways that expect God to do more in our lives. The fact that we have new life means that we live in anticipation for God to work, to move, to act, and to respond to what God is doing in our lives. God invites us to not just sit back and react to what is going on in the world, but to notice what God is doing in it. "I  believe in the resurrection" means "I expect God to act"; "I am born anew"; "I look and anticipate God's action in my life and in the world around me."

This new life;  this holy expectancy of God to move,act and transform us provides hope for our life to be directed towards God. This new life is one that is dead to sin and alive in Christ. We are able to hope and dream and expect things to happen in our lives. This opportunity is given to us by God, but we must accept the invitation to live into it.

Do not  let the elusiveness of the term "resurrection" or phrase "the resurrection of the body" keep you from expecting, anticipating, and looking for God's action in your life and in the world around you.

The  hopes and dreams that are provided by this holy invitation to live as people of God that are invited to live our lives anew each day are much like those that a new baby provides. My family and I are excited to welcome a new baby, a new life, new hopes and dreams, into this world. Oakes Andrew Cardaci, son of my sister Anne and brother-in-law Drew, was born last Tuesday February 6th. He is beautiful.

Photo: Survived our first night at home!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Joy and Rejuvenation

I will begin this update with  cursory apology for neglecting to blog more often. I know my life is exciting and everyone wants to know about it ;) Maybe my New Year's resolution will be to blog more? This winter break was certainly worthy to blog about. It started on December 17th, when I drove home after my final final (and more truck work). The next day, I had my Re-certification meeting with the District Board of Ordained Ministry. It went well, and I am on track in my ordination process. I will be starting my commissioning paper work very soon, which seems daunting on top of all of my other seminary responsibilities. This summer, I will be doing Clinical Pastoral Education (hopefully in Orlando), which the  DCOM has required for me. I am really looking forward to that; I know it will make a huge impact on me and I will learn so much from it. This will basically entail chaplaincy work in hospital settings.

As for the rest of my winter break back home, it was very relaxing an rejuvenating  I was very happy to be back. One of the highlights definitely was being with my 8-month pregnant sister Anne. Her and Drew are expecting their baby boy late this month, right around my birthday! Talk about an awesome gift. Everyone is so excited for them, and for this new member to our loving family. Anne will be the first of all the cousins to have a baby, so it is very special for us as a family. Now if they could just figure out the little guy's name! If they are having trouble naming him, shouldn't they just wait until he is born and meet the little guy?

Christmas was great. Having the whole family together for the first time in 3 years brought me so much joy.
My sister Sarah and her husband Devon joined Anne, Drew, Charlie, my parents, and I for an amazing rib roast dinner on Christmas Eve, followed by a relaxing Christmas Day, fried turkey included. We do not do presents for Christmas anymore, and it really eliminates the stress and places my attention directly towards the joy and peace I receive from genuine fellowship with my family. I believe my parents focus their efforts towards good eatin' for the family instead of presents. I aint complainin'! I love my family so much, and Christmas was pretty perfect.

I enjoyed being with my parents so much during this break. I went fishing with them. I flew and had lunch with my dad. I had conversations with them that encouraged me. I miss them and hope that I can remember the time that I had with them when I am stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed this semester.

After Christmas, on the 27th, my parents, Anne, Drew, and I went south to Stuart for a weekend of fishing with my aunt and uncle. This is one of my favorite weekends of the whole year I missed it last year (their minuscule catch total reflected this) and I was so very happy to get  back to the traditional Mackerel Massacre. The fishing was successful, but the time with my family was what really made the weekend great.   I also rediscovered my taste for good seafood as we feasted on lobster shrimp, dolphin, and fresh mackerel! Very fun weekend there.

My break ended with a NYE celebration with Julie, Herb, Ana, Lee, Patrick, Megan, Nicole, Greg, and Charlie. I was  reminded how special my friends are to me. I miss them all the time, and times with them are so much fun. They give me energy to be able to do what my life calls me to. Although some of my friends were missed (Sarah H. (I did get to hang out with her a lot though!) Aubrey, Brandon, Bobby, Leanna, Steph, sorry if I did not list you and we are great friends and maybe you can call me out and I will add you, etc.), I enjoyed the time spent with my friends for my last night in town.

I love the ones I love, in part, because of the joy and rejuvenation I receive from them. I know that I cannot be who I am without them. It is impossible for me to proceed on the path that God has for me without the energy and guidance that I receive from them. I think God wants it that way, too.

Listen and understand: