Saturday, April 30, 2011

That's Wild

I am reading "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge, and, so far, it has been really good for me. It teaches me that the things I feel and know in my heart, as a man, are specific for me, yet true for every man. I embody characteristics of my Maker in my heart as I am created "in his image". That does a lot for my confidence and realization that my need for adventure, among other things that God has put into my heart, need not be suppressed, and when they are, the desires in my heart, the characteristics of my heart that God has given me, are not used to give me life. This book also teaches me that when I am wounded, hurt in some way, shape, or form, I should not feel surprised and unequipped, because this is a world at war, that is our battle. Soldiers are not surprised when they are attacked because they are at war, and that is the same reality we live in. Men have an important role inside of this reality, and those who use that innate desire to fight and live in adventure are in the minority nowadays.

I recently got to spend Easter with my whole family, even my sisters and their husbands included. It was SO great to have everyone together again. Kate also got to come, and that was really great. We are dating now for about a month, and we have both spent some time with our families together. I am just really thankful for everything that God is doing in our relationship, it is such a blessing. I am actually going to spend time with her and her family tonight, so YAY.

Here is a picture of me, Kate, then Devon and Drew from top to bottom, playing Bocce Ball in the yard. It's taken from the attic office above the garage at my folks' house (thanks Mom!)

Leaving here in 3 months is also starting to sink in. CFL Wesley's year ended, people are telling me they'll miss me, I am looking at places in Atlanta, and I am dealing with it in the only way I know--to rely on God and to be a little sad. I am truly, really excited, but not about leaving, about looking forward to this next step in my life.

God continues to humble me, build confidence in me, provide for me, and to prepare me for what is to come. He is also not in Atlanta, He is here with me guiding me there while molding me every day.